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German crypto startup aims to reform the global CBD and cannabis market

How blockchain can help with supply chain management?

CeBioLabs is a strategic and long-term project with the target to revolutionize the global CBD and cannabis market with its value chains.

CeBioLabs is a young German project launched by three German companies in the field of CBD and cannabis, crypto and blockchain technology. The accumulated experience and existing know-how from the cannabis market and blockchain technology offer unique opportunities to the project, making it the first of its kind in the world.

CeBioLabs successfully completed its eight-week ICO on September 26, 2022, and is currently in the midst of developing its highly-heralded management services.

Problems of the market

We, as CeBiol, have been working together with numerous reputable companies and partners from many countries. Knowledge of the business partners alone does not provide a sufficient guarantee for a high product quality. Especially in the case of products for ingestion, close quality control along the entire supply chain is very important. Numerous players are involved in the production of each product, in terms of cultivation, further processing, filling and packing and logistics. The supply chain thus encompasses all the processes involved in the processes, from the procurement of cannabis seeds to the sale of the finished product to the end customer. Through intensively maintained contacts and constant exchange with all the players involved in the value chain, the trust problem can be reduced to a minimum. But not all market participants act with the same professionalism, which results in a major large trust deficit in the market. Also lack of quality and products that do not meet the legal requirements are a big problem, especially in the sensitive cannabis market. The key to solving this problem lies in the planned implementation of the blockchain-based supply chain management system.

CebioLabs SCM

The supply chain management system „CeBioLabs SCM“ is a blockchain technology based system what is tailored to the value chains of the cannabis market. It will make the complete value chain for all products transparent and traceable for all parties. The CeBioLabs supply chain management system will provide a comprehensive platform for all market players involved in the entire value chain, from seed sowing to the finished end product. All information on production, processing and distribution steps, as well as quality controls and laboratory analyses, will be documented in detail on this platform and can be accessed at any time. In this way, all the players involved will have access to the information that is relevant to them at all times. Through blockchain technology, all data is stored in a decentralized and immutable manner, making the entire value chain for all cannabis products transparent and traceable. Current problems such as missing or incorrect information and trust issues will thus be a thing of the past.

CeBiolab’s COA Portal

The COA portal is a blockchain-based platform for certificates of analysis of cannabis products. With its international focus, suppliers from around the world will be able to submit analysis of their products through labs. In the process, certificates of analysis will be assigned a digital identity. The digital identity and all product analysis data will then be stored on the blockchain. The analysis certificates stored on the blockchain are immutable and can be traced and retrieved at any time by all market participants. Faulty or manipulated product analyses, as well as the distribution of products that do not comply with the law, will no longer exist in the future.

CBSL Marketplace

The CBSL Marketplace will be a partially decentralized trading platform that will allow market participants to offer and trade cannabis-related commodities, products or services. The focus will be on B2B trading, but the company will also expand the CBSL Marketplace to include B2C functionality and targeting end users. There will be no country-specific restrictions, and the marketplace will target users worldwide. The CBSL marketplace will integrate numerous payment methods, including the CBSL token.

Blockchain technology integration

Blockchain technology is at the heart of CeBioLabs‘ systems. Here, data is managed in distributed infrastructures, without a central authority, in a way that is traceable and safe from tampering.  Individual data records are combined into data blocks, linked together and strung together to form a blockchain. Cryptographic mechanisms ensure that the data incorporated in the blockchain cannot be changed or manipulated.                                                                                                                                                    The major advantages of blockchain technology are the immutability of data once stored and its traceable, transparent insight into all transactions. All of this makes blockchain technology so interesting and unique. Not only for the previously opaque CBD and cannabis market, but for all industries.

The CBSL Token

All of the above systems and solutions will be chargeable to users. In this context, the company’s CBSL Token will play an essential role as a link between all products. The user fees for CeBioLabs B2B solutions and services can only be paid in CBSL tokens. The CBSL token will thus have real utility within the enterprise ecosystem. The more often the systems and solutions are used, the higher the demand for CBSL tokens will be.

In addition, private holders of CBSL can also benefit from free products, exclusive offers or the use of CBSL as a payment method in some of their businesses. All CBSL paid to the company as user fees will be locked in for a minimum of 3 years.

The company will also use 10% of all profits of CeBiol GmbH (part of the CeBioLabs collective) for CBSL buybacks and token returns. This means that in the long run, the operating company will increase the value of the token through scarcity and make it more part of the company’s construct.


In communicating with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) on the regulatory classification of the CBSL token, CeBioLabs is receiving legal support from well-known lawyers specializing in financial and capital law